🚨ATTENTION🚨 We still have Pre-K spots available! Come see Mrs. Roller at the ECC to register your child. Must be 4 years old on or before September 1st of this year. Please bring the following items with you or your child will be put on the hold list: State Certified Birth Certificate Current Shot Record Social Security Card CDIB and/or Tribal Membership Card If you have any questions, please call 405-567-8592.
almost 3 years ago, Jennifer Roller
PreK Openings
Teacher, Staff, and Administration Appreciation Week for Prague this Monday thru Thursday! Here is a list of how you can join in on spoiling them all week!!!! Please share this so as many people as possible can see this!
almost 3 years ago, Jennifer Roller
Staff Appreciation
Pre-K Enrollment is coming up!!! When: Friday, May 6th Where: Prague ECC @ 13th & Westlawn Time: 8:00-10:00am Documentation needed: State Certified Birth Certificate Social Security Card Current Shot Records CDIB/Tribal Membership Card (if applicable) Space is limited! First come, first serve. You must have ALL documentation or your child will be put on the hold list. We look forward to seeing you!
almost 3 years ago, Jennifer Roller
PreK Enrollment
March Student of the Month Bailey Bowling
almost 3 years ago, TONI DUGAN
March student of tbe Month
March Students of the Month Back Row LtoR: Audrey Jackson, Brynlee Smith, Ainsley Shotnokoff, Summer Brown, Kyasen Smith, Callie Davis, Manley Carter, Taegan Phillips Front Row LtoR: Eddison Xiong, Channing McClendon, Jonah Garrison, Kale Perry, Ava Davis
almost 3 years ago, TONI DUGAN
March Students of the Month
ECC Students of the Month for March Back Row: Emma Miles, Zach Broudrick, Remington Buoy, Bowen Smith and Coleton Greff Middle Row: Lennox Bowen, Adalynn Smith, Preston Fugate and Charli Guffin Front Row: Benson Wahpekeche, Molly Martin and Noah Hensley
almost 3 years ago, Jennifer Roller
ECC March Students of the Momth
Congratulations to our teachers of the year!
almost 3 years ago, Prague Public Schools
Teacher of the Year
There will be a menu change for breakfast tomorrow, March 30, 2022. It will now be biscuits, sausage gravy, and fruit.
almost 3 years ago, Prague Public Schools
5th Grade Titanic Virtual Field Trip
almost 3 years ago, TONI DUGAN
5th grade
5th grade
5th Grade
5th Grade Titanic Virtual Field Trip
almost 3 years ago, TONI DUGAN
5th Grade
5th Grade
5th Grade Titanic Virtual Field Trip
Mrs. Jeannette Smith’s Pre-K class - ‘S’ is for Superhero!
almost 3 years ago, Jennifer Roller
Mrs. Jeannette Smith’s Pre-K - ‘S’ is for Superhero!
Mrs. Jeannette Smith’s Pre-K - ‘S’ is for Superhero!
FIRST PHOTO Back Row LtoR: Miguel Rodriguez, Gracie Harper, Baxton McCutcheon, Brynlei Thornton, Braylon Freeze Front Row LtoR: Quinn Tipton, Ty Rolette, Ali Tran, La'Mya Campbell, Abbey Green, Cry Ellis, Jonah Garrison, Riley Brewington SECOND PHOTO Tessa Coleman
almost 3 years ago, TONI DUGAN
February Students of the Month
February Students of the Month
It's that time of year for the Prague Czech Folk Dancers! 🇨🇿 🇺🇸 🇨🇿 🇺🇸 Practices start today Monday, March 21st following school at the Prague Elementary School PE Gym. 1st-12th grade are welcome! This is a great opportunity to embrace our town’s proud Czech heritage!
almost 3 years ago, Prague Public Schools
Czech Dancing
Mrs. Freeze's class opened the gifts she bought with the OSDE Donors Choose Grant
almost 3 years ago, Chad Smith
freeze dinosaurs
The Prague Elementary Book Fair is having Family Night tonight, March 7 from 5-7. There will be special guest readers and ice cream for sale for $1. The last day to shop the Prague Elementary Book Fair is 3/8/2022 from 8:30-4:30.
almost 3 years ago, Prague Public Schools
book fair
Due to the recent weather, the elementary Scholastic Book Fair was delayed shipping. We apologize for any inconveniences, and would like to let everyone know the Scholastic Book Fair is now open!
almost 3 years ago, Prague Public Schools
book fair
The first OSSAA Girls State Qualifier in Prague Wrestling history Bailee Smith is competing tonight! GO BAILEE!!
almost 3 years ago, Prague Public Schools
Bailee Wrestling
Bailee Wrestling
Bailee Wrestling
Due to inclement weather that will start sometime in the morning throughout the day, Prague Public Schools will have a Virtual Learning Day on Wednesday, February 23. Students have been instructed on how to get their assignments. Elementary and E.C.C. parents, if you have questions please check the schools website for information about your students virtual work. The E.C.C. information will be listed with the Elementary information. If you have any questions please email your students teacher. https://www.prague.k12.ok.us
almost 3 years ago, Prague Public Schools
Prague elementary Scholastic Book Fair is coming! To volunteer, shop online, or add money to your child's e-wallet click here https://tinyurl.com/2zep7cej
almost 3 years ago, Prague Public Schools
book fair
The elementary Scholastic Book Fair is coming! To volunteer, shop online, or add funds to your child's e- wallet click here ---> shorturl.at/vwCN3
almost 3 years ago, Prague Public Schools
book fair